Let’s save the sea, let’s save our planet

A reality that we are living as a generation, is that we are suffering the consequences of global warming and vicissitudes of our predation on different species. Therefore, in the last few years, in Peru, as well as in other countries, some initiatives have been created to promote the conservation of species and our ecosystem.


This is how Salvamares was born, an initiative from the National Fishing Society (SNP) and its associated companies, that within the Peru Sostenible forum was awarded with the highest recognition PODS (Peru for the Sustainable Development Goals) in the Planet Category, for being a program designed to save many species from our Peruvian littoral, which generates climate change alerts in a timely manner thanks to its technology and scientific information in real time. This is considered a great contribution for the preservation of the planet and its species.

This program, created in 2017, has rescued over 5 thousand species and seeks to compile information of the main predators that interact with the anchovy in fishing season. In addition, it trains the crew of fishing vessels in the identification and correct liberation of the species that get caught in the nets such as birds, mammals and sea turtles. Its technology allows to have an information system that collects data during the fishing and research activities, which includes the following:

-          Acoustic information: To determine the fish density and acoustic zooplankton for every nautical mile.

-          Biological data about catches and composition per fishing set, such as the biometrics of the anchovy, pompano and mackerel.

-          Satellite data regarding the Vessels Monitoring System (VMS) with the purpose of knowing their behaviour.

In Hayduk Corporation we are motivated to meet the goal of this program, in which 14 of our vessels participate. Our aspiration is that this type of projects can be implemented not only for Peruvian fisheries, but also around the world, in order to reach awareness of the care of the marine ecosystem and to use its resources in a sustainable way.

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